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Re: xenony

Ahojte, viete mi niekto potvrdit, co ste to robili, ci je tento postup spravny aj na moje lego 2007? Respektive na akom aute vam to pomohlo

Uz som to robil 2x a stale svietia nizko. Mohlo by to byt tym, ze ten senzor je z Forestra? Robim reinicializaciu, kedze som menil len jeden senzor.

Diky za kazdy napad, potrebujem to vyriesit cim skor, nakolko sa blizi STK.



When parts related to the auto headlight beam leveler system are removed or replaced, perform the following procedures to initialize or reinitialize.

NOTE: Before performing initialization or reinitialization, check the following: - Vehicle is parked on a level surface. - The inflation pressure of tires is correct. - Unload any cargo from the vehicle. - Vehicle’s fuel tank is fully filled. - Refer to the following chart to determine whether to initialize or reinitialize.

Initialization - When the auto headlight beam leveler control module has been replaced with a new module.

Reinitialization - When the auto headlight beam leveler control module has been replaced with a part from a different vehicle. - When suspension parts have been removed or replaced. (Crossmember, front arm, housing, lateral link, strut) - When the vehicle height sensor has been replaced or removed.

INITIALIZATION 1. Confirm that the indicator in the meter is repeatedly flashing twice. 2. Bounce the vehicle several times to normalize the suspension. 3. Make certain that someone is seated in the driver’s seat. 4. Turn the ignition switch to ON, and, within 1.5 — 20 seconds, turn the headlight switch OFF ⇒ ON three or more successive times. 5. Confirm that the indicator in the meter flashes three times and turns OFF, completing the initialization. (At this time, the headlight beam drops once, and then returns to the original position.) 6. Perform beam adjustment for the headlight.

REINITIALIZATION 1. Bounce the vehicle several times to normalize the suspension. 2. Make certain that someone is seated in the driver’s seat. 3. Turn the ignition switch to ON, and, within 1.5 — 10 seconds, turn the headlight switch OFF ⇒ ON five or more successive times. 4. Check that the headlight beam drops once, then returns to normal. 5. After confirming 4), turn the ignition switch to OFF within 30 seconds. 6. Turn the ignition switch to ON again, and, within 1.5 — 10 seconds, turn the headlight switch OFF ⇒ ON five or more successive times. 7. Make sure that the indicator in the meter flashes three times and then turns OFF, indicating that reinitialization has been successfully completed. (At this time, the headlight beam lowers once, and then returns to the original position.) 8. Perform beam adjustment for the headlight.

CAUTION: If the indicator does not flash three times or the headlight beam does not operate, it can be assumed that there is an open circuit or faulty wiring in the harness of the headlight beam leveler control module, rear vehicle height sensors or headlight assembly. Perform inspection and repair according to the inspection results, then perform initialization/reinitialization again.

25.06.2016 23:22

Re: xenony

No tak dufam ze uz posledny prispevok do tohto vlakna. Bol som v JRT pred tyzdnom, tam mi povedali ze po vymene senzora netreba robit nic. Svetla ze sa nastavia same, akurat pred regloskopom to treba znovu nastavit.

Tak som bol dnes rano v servise, svetla boli dole tak o centimeter oproti ryske, svetla sme kolieskom napravili na spravnu vysku, tak dufam, ze uz to bude dobre.


20.07.2016 14:06

Re: xenony

Po vymene zlomenej tycky na senzore vzadu som urobil reinicializaciu a svetla sa zdvihli do povodnej polohy.

21.07.2016 14:07

Re: xenony

Tak ja neviem, ten reinicializacny postup co som aj vyssie uvadzal bol pre imprezu, tebe to mozno preto zafungovalo, aj ked sa mi nezda, ze by to nemalo fungovat aj pre ine modely. mx.

22.07.2016 06:24

Re: xenony

ahoj, len v krátkosti by som sa chcel spýtať. po cca 5r. sa mi vybila xenónová výbojka na stretávacích svetlách. vybral som ju a je to dáky philips D2R 35W. môžem ju vymeniť za hocijakú značku tohto typu či sa mám pozerať ešte na iné údaje?... predtým som menil iba H7 a tam som dával hocijaké H7 ktoré mali na pumpe :) vďaka

02.12.2016 13:48

Re: xenony

Na značke nezáleží, treba dodržať typ :)

02.12.2016 15:42

Re: xenony

Ahojte všetci, potrebujem odpoveď na jednu otázku. Dajú sa použiť predné xenónové svetlá z anglickej verzie na eú auto? Konkrétne ide o Legacy 2007.Vďaka za prípadné odpovede smile.

04.12.2016 15:19

Re: xenony

Nie... Svietia na opacnu stranu... Nase svietia viac na lavo ich na pravo ;)

04.12.2016 15:47

Re: xenony

Ano daju sa pouzit treba ich ale prestavat vela chalnou to robi predal som asi 10 parov do cz a 3 pary na sk

04.12.2016 16:15

Re: xenony

ano daju sa pouzit.

co mas s pôvodnima ?

a Brankoooooo nase svietia na pravo ich na lavo preto nieje vhodne bez prestavby pouzit v premavke kde sa jazdi v pravo ak nechces mat kluc na kolesa vo svetlach,

04.12.2016 16:18
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